Pages: 238
Published: 2008
Date Finished: 29th March 2011
Rating: Yes – Highly Rate it – 5 Stars
Think you've got a book inside of you? Anne Lamott isn't afraid to help you let it out. She'll help you find your passion and your voice, beginning from the first really crummy draft to the peculiar letdown of publication. Readers will be reminded of the energizing books of writer Natalie Goldberg and will be seduced by Lamott's witty take on the reality of a writer's life, which has little to do with literary parties and a lot to do with jealousy, writer's block and going for broke with each paragraph. Marvelously wise and best of all, great reading – Good Reads Synopsis
I think this synopsis sums this book up pretty darn well, but in my own words I would like to add a few things in hopes of convincing anyone who has ever written, wants to write or is writing to search wherever you can for this book and devour it, just like I did.
I could have read it in one evening, if it hadn’t been for my mum’s fat dog hogging my half of the bed and pushing me of the mattress. But let me tell you I sure made a freaking dint in it. I could not put it down. It didn’t even feel like I was reading a book about writing, and I mean that in a good way because it was not a how to book, more like a how I lived and wrote.
Anne doesn’t sugar-coat what is like to be writer and I loved that about her. She wrote in a way that to me literally felt like I was chatting away to a writing buddy, and yet even without her telling me how-to do something, I learned something from every chapter whether it was how to approach writing shitty first drafts, to using my emotions instead of letting them destroy me.
For me it was a book to post-it note and read again, the kind you keep in your handbag or bedside table and read over and over, just to delight in Anne’s nature.
Don’t hesitate. Search for it and buy it, borrow it and love it. It is one of my highly recommended books not only of 2011, but in my top favorites. No doubt.
P.S Check out the reviews on the Good Reads Page, they do it better justice.
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