Pages: 256
Published: Rodale Press January 20l1
Genre: Psychology/ Non-Fiction
Format: Paperback
Acquired: My Local Library
Date Finished: 27th March 2012
Purchase Link Book Depository: Buy
Mood mapping simply involves plotting how you feel against your energy
levels, to determine your current mood. Dr Liz Miller then gives you the tools
you need to lift your low mood, so improving your mental health and wellbeing.
Dr Miller developed this technique as a result of her own diagnosis of bipolar
disorder (manic depression), and of overcoming it, leading her to seek ways to
improve the mental health of others. This innovative book illustrates: the Five
Keys to Moods - learn to identify the physical or emotional factors that affect
your moods; the Miller Mood Map - learn to visually map your mood to increase
self-awareness; and, practical ways to implement change to alleviate low mood.
Mood mapping is an essential life skill; by giving an innovative perspective to
your life, it enables you to be happier, calmer and to bring positivity to your
own life and to those around you.
Quick thoughts: Engaging, promising and a life changer.
I am a firm believer
in choosing the right book at the right time, or is it the book chooses us.
Whatever I choose to believe, when I stumbled upon Mood Maps I was fresh out of
a counseling appointment where I felt I was on a roller coaster with my moods.
Everyone around me seemed to be managing fine, holding down jobs,
relationships, etc and sure they had their issues to, but why did I feel like I
was constantly fluctuating between not wanting to get out of bed, to not even
being able to, to dancing around the house and screaming at the top of my lungs
with about as much energy as a five year old who had drank a six pack of Red
Bull? I needed help. I wanted to change my moods so that I was better able to deal
with my mood disorders, but I had know where to start; until I found this book
and began to change my life.
Ranging from topics
such as the four mood quadrants: Anxiety, Action, Calm and Depression to the
five key factors that influence our day to day moods: Surroundings, Physical Health, Nature,
Relationships and knowledge; Mood Mapping targets each one with an easy to navigate
break down with helpful suggestions and sometimes stories of people who have
experienced these moods and how it reflected on their lives. Not only does it
cover the lower end of the mood spectrum but it also covers the high and with
its helpful diagrams and end of chapter exercises this book carried me through
the 14 day program with confidence in myself and in my moods, leaving me
feeling satisfied and armed with a fantastic arsenal to continue my mood
mapping journey in the future.
There are some books
in life, especially self help books that you read, maybe take some notes and
add it to the pile of “loved the book” but didn’t really make an impact in my
life. If you suffer from a mood disorder, even are overwhelmed by stress, or just
don’t know how to settle yourself or get yourself going then this book is a
book that will aid you in gradually changing your moods by using visual stimulus.
Now there are times when you’re going to have to grab out your notebook and pen
and face yourself, but if you can be honest while reading this book and while
doing the exercises I guarantee you will be noticing some dramatic changes, not
only in your moods, but noticing other peoples moods. For me this was certainly
the case, and as I began to teach people through my learning I saw what
progress not only I was making, but the small baby steps everyone around me was
taking to change their moods. It is for this reason that Mood Mapping is a
keeper on my shelf and why I will be pimping it out to everyone I know.
The only minor issue
I had with the book was that sometimes the suggestions were a little repetitive,
but overall fantastic book, and let me know if you do check it out what your
thought of it.
I am giving this:
Smiling emoticons
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