Friday, March 18, 2011

Y.A - Wicked Lovely- Melissa Marr


Pages: 328

Published: 2007

Date Finished: 18th March 2011

Rating: 5 Stars

All teenagers have problems, but few of them can match those of Aislinn, who has the power to see faeries. Quite understandably, she wishes that she could share her friends' obliviousness and tries hard to avoid these invisible intruders. But one faery in particular refuses to leave her alone. Keenan the Summer King is convinced beyond all reasoning that Aislinn is the queen he has been seeking for nine centuries. What's a 21st-century girl to do when she's stalked by a suitor nobody else can see? A debut fantasy romance for the ages; superlative summer read – Good Reads Synopsis


What can I possibly say to anyone who hasn’t read Wicked Lovely – ARE YOU INSANE??

For my first Fey novel I am truly captivated, provoked and in love with the world Melissa has created. She has blended classical mythology together with her own modern twist, adding quint quotes that added to the overall theme of each chapter and made for an attention-grabbing read.

A mythical, magical and dangerous world that come the end; I didn’t want to leave.

Aislinn is girl after my own heart. I have fallen in love. For starts, I loved her strong mind, her intelligence and her willingness to stand her ground, regardless of the bullying and mind-fucks she has endured both before the novel and during. It takes a lot of strength to fight for what you believe in and for that, oh I crave to get to know her more. Her relationship with Seth, wasn’t overly romantic, but raw and I wished I knew the two of them.

Keenan was certainly a [frustrating] character. One word, single minded comes to thought nearly every page and while I certainly had compassion for his dysfunctional [parental] issues. To me, I didn’t like his arrogant nature. I understood what he had to do, and how he did it, but I would have like to see him learn a little about the modern world to grow as a character. Given that nearing the end, I was comforted to see his mind-set change and his willingness to accept Aislinn as she is change.

I can’t say I am too fond of the minor characters, but the major characters made me ache to read more. I want to grow with them, feel with them and crawl into their world to fight alongside them. Melissa made it so easy to define the characters and to not take sides once you see it from every characters perspective. They all have their flaws and their page turning qualities that make this novel so addictive to read.

I am certainly kicking myself for not picking up Wicked Lovely sooner and while to begin with it was confusing, and dragged for a few pages, after the first chapter I was pulled into the world Melissa had created. I did find passages to be repetitive at the begging as well, one in particular, about the creatures that followed Aislinn.

Don’t hesitate to read this novel, especially if it has been on your bookshelf or radar. My Hope is that this is the begging of a great Y.A series and I am super excited about reading the next book – Ink Exchange.

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  1. Hey sweets!
    I am soooo glad you loved this book! This is one of my all-time favorite series <3 I adore it so much. It's beautiful and dark, and masterfully written with such amazing details and emotion. I hope that you continue enjoying it, too. :) My favorite characters are Niall (who you'll get to know a lot better in Ink Exchange), Seth and Aislinn. :) I started reading this series in middle of 2009 after a friend recommended it to me. Finally just got around to reading and finishing the fourth book, Radiant Shadows, because the 5th and final book (Darkest Mercy) just came out at the beginning of February and I'm really excited to get it soon. :)

    Once again, really glad that you read this and loved it as much as I did. :)

    <3 <3


  2. Heya! I am so glad you enjoyed this book... I absolutely loved this series... :-)

  3. Hey!
    I have this book on my shelf to read, and thanks to this wonderful review, I'm definatley going to bump it up on my TBR pile!
    Isn't the cover gorgeous too!?

    Your blog is so pretty! I love the background and header.

    Perhaps if you have time, would you mind checking out my blog too?
