Monday, March 31, 2014

Y.A REVIEW: Taken - Erin Bowman


Taken is one of those novels that I would recommend to everyone. I believe the best way to read it is with as little knowledge of the book as possible. I am so glad that I picked it up when I did, it truly was one of those funk breaker books that got me out of my slow reading and pulled me back into my passion. Erin's writing is gripping, a page turner, and Taken was never far from my mind at any point in time. It was one of those novels where you truly cannot bare to be anywhere else, but reading it, yet at the same time you don't want to finish it either.

For this reason I am going to give you five reasons that you must pick up Taken, the first book in what I believe is to be a trilogy. I hope that at least one of these, if not all of these intrigues you enough to pick it up. Enjoy the synopsis. The premise was executed fantastically.

Emotional Turbulence – it had me feeling all the feels. My heart was in a constant panic, then just as I couldn't take it any more the plot turned and my emotions shifted. Time and time again. I was deeply invested.

Engaging political intrigue – Always a lover of rich details and subterfuge, I was twisted through a loop of espionage and intrigue with every turning page.

Riveting Journey – By the time I was half way through the novel it was hard to believe were I had started. With creative story telling, atmospheric settings and heart racing action, the story's growth was believable and provoking from cover to cover.

Ace Pacing -I did not want to stop reading it. Chapter after chapter, I would read pages and pages and didn't want to put it down. The pacing was brilliant. Suspenseful, with quiet moments interspersed between the drama and mystery.

Mali-faceted Characters – Each one was inventive and relatable. I was questioning each one time and time again for so many reasons. I fell in love with Gray and Blaine, yet every character pulled on the heart strings – some in worse ways than others. Erin paints a versatile landscape in the cast, each with their own strong drives and promising back story.

I think by now you can tell this one gets a huge thumbs up from me. This promises to be an addictive start to Erin Bowman's career as a writer and for the following books, and novella's. That I will certainly be picking up.



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