Progress – Pushing past the habit
This month has been crazy hard. I have
not brought any books. I have not even requested any from Net-Galley.
I haven't bargained someone into buying me books, and no one has
gifted me with any. I haven't even looked online for books. I did
catch myself once or twice almost in automatic response to a link
here, a special there, or just to find out what I could learn about a
new release.
It has been 31 days. Yes I am going
insane with wanting to buy all the books, but I am also learning a
lot during this process. The most important is that I have plenty on
hand to read. I have been going to the library, borrowing books from
friends, looking through my shelves and finishing of books I started
and never finished from last year. I have plenty to keep me excited.
Why Blair – Why are you doing this
to yourself?
I decided this Year long book buying
ban challenge a few months before the New Year of 2014. I have long
since been inspired by Susan Hill who took up her own challenge to
only read the books that she owned and revisit her favourites as well
as read ones she had been wanting to for a long time. I found I was
lacking the motivation in this area of my reading life. With the
pressure of wanting to read not only all the new books that were
coming out, but my old ones, and library ones. Not to mention finish
some series, start new ones and find some series and authors to
delight in for the long haul, I found myself avoiding re-reads.
Avoiding the finishing of series because of the long commitment they
take to read through and being a series jumper and not a marathoner I
wanted to take it upon myself to challenge myself to try.
I wanted to make a change, and in doing
so make a difference somehow. Not only in my bank balance [ because
sure, so far that has failed since I have so many different hobbies],
but also in someone else's life by directing my passion for reading,
my need to change a habit and a love for helping people into a series
of events that will raise money for different charities. What better
way to have an even stronger direction, a sense of purpose and a
reason to get others involved in reading what they own and possibly
trying something new themselves.
These events are in the process of
planning. I hope by mid-year to be able to say I am 6 months free
from my addictive book buying habit and begin to host the events. I
would love to see my collection of unread books slimming down, to
donate any books to my book sale that I didn't enjoy to someone who
might and remember what it was like to have very little, but love a
I am looking forward to documenting
this journey as well. With the books I have read, articles I find,
photo's of the books I am reading. Anything bookish related that is
not a haul – think reviews, discussions [if I see fit]
quotes...anything and everything to document the experience and maybe
even offer hope to someone out there like me who owns enough books to
last two life times, but wants to really get a crack on in getting
that pile down and having those adventures.
Epic Fail
There is always the possibility of an
epic fail where I cave in.
But I am a dreamer as well as a part
time realist.
I believe in manifestation and working
hard on the goals I set for myself.
One day at a time, one week at a time,
one month at a time
I can do this.
Good luck Blair! You can do it! x :-)