Traditions: I guess it started back in 2011. I picked up Wrapped up in You from my local library and was working there at the time. I knew I was the first one to read the book and that excited me. That wasn’t the only thing that did though. Carole was a new author in a genre I didn’t read much of any more and around the holiday period I tend to want to get into the lighter books. So here I was with this book, so much excitement and a pile of books I had to finish already and I almost didn’t get to read it in the end because as with all library books I’m great at borrowing them but crap at reading them on time. Damn my life if that had of been the case because from this book a love for Carole Matthew was born and without reading Wrapped up in You my lovely Tradition of reading her Christmas books would have never been born.

Romantic Notions: Now I have an avid love for reading and I try to read as much as I can every year. I always set myself a challenge to tackle this random collection of [mostly] Debbie Macomber Christmas books with a few other authors thrown in, after all they do sound intriguing and I am attracted by their painted pictures of warm festivity and their seasonal synopsis. So far I have yet to pick one up, even though I bring them out every year and the simple reason for this my fellow readers is that I love to immerse myself in the worlds that Carole creates and savour them.

Each year I anticipate the book arriving in the mail. Last year I only read one chapter of With Love at Christmas and it got me in such a warm, delicious Christmas mood that half an hour later we were on the bus to our Local Kmart buying our first Christmas tree and decorations. I cannot count the endless amounts of Tea and Fruit cake I consumed while dipping into each chapter and eating it up like a tasty Christmas spread. There is something magical about her novels. The characters jump right of the page and if I had to spend all of December reading anything I would spend it rekindling myself with each of the books. Sadly this year my collection of half finished books will only allow one Carole Matthews book - Calling Mrs Christmas, her 2013 release which I already kind of dipped into [naughty me] despite wanting to save it till December.

Plans: A few chapters in and I am already loving where it is heading. But am I willing to compete with my traditions this year and try to dip into a few smaller works of fiction that I have for review or will Carole knock all plans out of the park yet again this year and sweep me up in her world only to leave me hungry and waiting for her next book in 2014?
Time - ah yes time will only tell. I certainly can imagine talking her books with me for vacation. Reading them to get into the spirit of Christmas and my first trip to see my family after a good six years. There is that romantic notion again of sidling up with some fresh made scones baked by my Nanna and I while I boil a pot of tea and flip through each page hungrily. Not to mention the countless times I try to pimp these books out and my secret plans to order my mum and sister copies so we can all enjoy a little Christmas cheer.
If I so happen to slip in new traditions I thought to share with you a few books I would consider reading. If I don’t decide to over indulge myself with Carole Matthews books.

Five Golden Rings - Jeffe Kennedy - in Manhattan - Tali Rolland - Humbug - Heather Horrocks - Lola Cruz Christmas Story [A Prequal] -
Here are my reviews for the previous Two years Christmas books: - Wrapped up in You - With Love at Christmas
I hope you enjoyed my post.
I would love to hear about your Christmas reads and Traditions.
Blair <3 span="">3>
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