Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Eros Unbound - Anais Nin


Pages: 105
Published: 1977 Penguin
Genre: Classic/ Erotic
Format: Paperback
Acquired: Local Library
Date Finished: 22rd November

A naïve model slowly discovering her sexuality; an erotic moonlight encounter on a beach; a man teaching the art of passion in a gypsy caravan; and a woman in love with a scent from Fez Anaïs Nin s stories explore the nature of sex and the awakening of desire.

Part of the 'Great Loves' series, this book explores the nature of sex and the awakening of desire. It introduces readers to love's endlessly fascinating possibilities and extremities such as: romantic love, platonic love, erotic love, gay love, and others.

Ah, finally something more to my tastes. I have read about Anais Nin and when in search of a classic [yay I read a classic] at my local library this was pretty much the only book they had of hers. So I plucked it up and took it home with the intention of delving into an afternoon of pleasurable reading, but if you have ever read a short story anthology you learn over a few experiences that these stories are better digested and appreciated at a little dip a day.

I read most of the stories sitting in the park on a hot spring day with my partner, and let me tell you, you don’t want to be reading them when you don’t have a room available. I loved the deliciously, languid and sensual feel to the stories. Each one had its own merit for taking me into a dreamy, sexual word of escape, but overall I think that some of the stories were better than others. My favorite being; The model.

Anais captures human desire and suppression superbly. I enjoyed that even though at times it could be slightly crass if was different from erotic that I read today. My recommendation, take a peak and delight in them like a decadent desert. One at a time, and don’t over indulge.

I am giving this book:
Butterfly Kisses

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