Sunday, March 25, 2012

March Madness - Will it ever end ?


As most of you know and for those who don’t I had a meeting this month and several doctors’ appointments which resulted in a somewhat relieving prognoses that is treatable. However to treat it and to prepare my body for pregnancy [ which we hope is not too far in the future] I have had to spend some serious dedicated time to planning, exercising, food management and stress management on top of trying to find a house, house training a dog, and both looking for full time employment. The overall biggest lifestyle change is I have to lose 24 kilos [not sure how many pounds that is] and for the longest time I thought that maybe that might mean that I have to take a break from reading, my blog and reviewing but I’ve decided to do what I can when I can and after all …


So this month and maybe next month are going to be really hard and rewarding and one thing that I see has suffered is reading – my own books and books for reviews. I aim to at least read two from this month’s planned reading and two from next month’s to be realistic. If I read more than that is fabulous, if you would like to remove me from any further acceptances that is totally fine I do understand as it is a huge responsibility and I am honored to have been given the chance to read so many books. But I need to look at the bigger picture which for me is enjoyment in reading and the bigger stomach [hehe Baby Bump]

Please note this is not for lack of being interested or trying to get through some, but to be honest my attention span at the moment when it comes to anything other than getting my health on track has been poor and it is straining due to the overwhelming stress that I worry about how to go about review books.

First and foremost the list of review books for March and April are as follows: [Still to read, finish and review]

· First Time Forever

· Gentleman Prefer Nerds

· Croak

· Juicy joy

· Hearts that Survive

April [Upcoming Reviews Due]

· Always the Designer Never the Bride

· Grave Mercy

· Caring is Creepy

· Royal Street

· Ada Rules

I also have a few of my own to FINISH plus two left over from February:

· Interrupted – I am enjoying this one it is a little sad though.

· Halflings – I am enjoying this one it is like a cross between Mundahlia and Twilight sorta.

· Something Borrowed – I am so into this, love the writing style. I just got distracted.

· The Iron Witch – Still trying to navigate my way though this one.

· P.S I Love You – This book is so freaking heavy to hold, but I like it.

· Rainbow Boys – love me some Alex Sanchez, just not in the mood at the moment.

So there you have it ladies and gentleman. I don’t think I have been this stuck in a good long while and this exhausted. But it will pick up and as I learned today the secret is not hoping- it is doing.

Please note that while I am struggling to read fiction at the moment I am interested in Non-Fiction. If you are looking for someone to review any books on Pregnancy, conception, Natural Health or New Age Non-Fiction please do not hesitate to contact be as I am keen to get my hands on some. I am also interested in Baby Chick-lit, or contemporary fiction. [For some reason my brain can handle it.]

Now for some sexyness XD - Blair

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a huge pile of books. I wanted to stop by and give my gratitude for Blood Solstice for March's RAK which also happened to be my birthday. So thank you!
