· Pages: 139
· Published: April 15th 2011 by Bewitching Books
· Format: Ebook/ Kindle
· Genre: Adult/ Erotica/ Paranormal
· Date Finished: 13th February 2012
Ten tantalizing, erotic tales of vampires, witches and demons grace the pages of this short story collection by Roxanne Rhoads. Step into the darkness and let these tales tempt and tease to satisfy your paranormal cravings. Eight of Roxanne Rhoads' previous eBook publications appear in this collection, along with two brand new, never before published tales of supernatural love and lust.
My deep rooted love for adult fiction lead me to Amazon looking for a break from everything I am reading and have been for months. I wanted something short, fast paced, raunchy and easy to read while at the same time I desired a little hint of paranormal and at least a slither of emotional connections between the characters. I got all of those things and so much more in this breath –taking [literally] collection of erotic stories.
What I loved most about this collection was there was a little bit of everything to quench my thirst. Being Bi-sexual I get turned off very quickly if I am subjected to heterosexual erotica for too long a period. Especially when I have read the same drivel, just a different cover, but this didn’t deny me of any longing and it seemed to tweak a lot of my own desires and fantasies which made it a hello of fun to read.
The stories are as follows, and rather than go through everyone one of them outlining the plot and my thoughts I feel they are better left as a surprise, an unraveling as you delve and test your reading boundaries or delight in something wicked.
1. The Last Goodbye
2. Overkill
3. Witch in the Middle
4. When it Storms
5. Monster Inside
6. The Questions Concubine
7. Reneta
8. Sea Of Blood
9. Halloween to Remember
10. Witching you a Merry Xmas
I hope you enjoy this collection if it does peak your interested and am more than happy to hear your thoughts.
P.s the last few stories are indeed heterosexual, but the story building is provoking. There were only a few stories that I read and thought WTF, the rest were decent. My favorite was Halloween to Remember as this really did sate my desires.
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