Sunday, January 8, 2012

Loving Richard Feynman – Penny Tangey


· Pages: 199

· Published: Published 2009 by University of Queensland Press

· Genre: Contemporary/ Australian Y.A

· Date Finished: January 9th 2012

· Rating/ Recommendation: 3 stars ***


Richard Feynman was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Catherine is a science-loving fifteen-year-old. Richard helped build the atom bomb. Catherine's just trying to survive school. When your life is falling apart around you, is talking to a dead physicist normal?


Loving Richard Feyman was not entirely my cup of tea but it was worth the read. Catherine the main character keeps a diary in which she writes to her idol Richard Feynman, almost in the same manner I did when I was younger and my idol was Anne Frank.

I did enjoy the context and the concept of the novel as it was original and the format made it such an easy read. I think my biggest problem was there wasn’t really a middle ground for me, it either lacked substance or overwhelmed me with it and trust me I am all for new concepts and learning about science and the history so that aspect really fascinated me, but I also got bogged down by the sheer information dump of it all sometimes and it made me want to put the book down. Of course there were parts of the novel that had me turning pages and most of Catherine’s outlook at school and academia was similar to my own.

I love that this is an Australian book, and I cannot get enough of that, especially when the story is set in a town only a few hours away from me. This is definitely more an early young adult book in my opinion and while easy and quick to read it did grate on my nerves one too many times- reason being that the main character was a self-absorbed, rude and challenged bitch. When she wasn’t being judgmental of her friends or family she was self deprecating and frustrating and it made the reading experience tainted, especially because there is a lot of promise in the story itself.

Overall I did enjoy this book, it wasn’t revolutionary and I wouldn’t read it again, but I would recommend it for those who enjoy history, facts, a little bit of friendship and a whole lot of self –drama.

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