Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lost In Time- Melissa De La Cruz - A Blue Bloods Novel #6


Pages: 342 Pages

Published: September 27th 2011 by Hyperion

Genre: Paranormal/ Y.A Fiction

Date Finished: 25th November

Rating/ Recommendation: 4.5 Stars ****

No Spoilers


After their beautiful yet brief bonding ceremony in Italy, Schuyler Van Alen and Jack Force are forced to separate. To fulfil the Van Alen Legacy, Schuyler travels to Alexandria to search for Catherine of Siena and the Gate of Promise. But Schuyler quickly discovers that everything she believed about the Gate to be wrong. Meanwhile, Jack makes the difficult decision to return to New York to face his twin and former bondmate, Mimi. But instead of a bitter reunion, he is faced with a choice for which there is no good option.

Mimi, with a most unexpected travel companion in Oliver Hazard-Perry, jets off to Egypt, too, to search for Kingsley Martin, her long lost love. With all roads leading to Hell, Mimi learns that not all love stories have happy endings. But she'll have to put her own feelings aside if she's going to save her crumbling Coven.

Packed with heartache, twists, and vampiric folklore, Lost in Time is sure to satisfy hungry fans' cravings for more Blue Bloods adventure.


I was so excited when this book came out, and I had to freaking wait for it. I was so hungry after reading Misguided Angels and the wait was well worth it. In hindsight I should have kept it in my TBR pile till next year, but hell how was I going to just let it sit there? I couldn’t.

Like always this will be a spoiler free review focusing on the few things I liked about the novel rather than the story in detail. There wasn’t really anything that stood out to me about this book that I disliked, so it should make it easy to review you would think, but I have mixed feelings about the way the story is going, though mostly in a good way.

This novel is full of romance and I loved it, not only do we get to see characters in the present time, we again journey through Allegra’s past and what ultimately created the future for the vampires, especially in the New York. Her tortured, beautiful love affair as well as many other characters in the novel just makes me swoon while at the same time the pain and pleasure and that line between them makes my heart yearn for a happy ending. The love isn’t instant love, it is one that grows throughout the series up until this book and it is raw and realistic which makes this book such a pleasure to read.

However it is not all about romance, it is about so much more than that. Betrayal, death, revenge, secrets and the countries and landscapes they travel to unravel the truth about the great Grates that is the only thing keeping them from all hell breaking loose [pun intended] .Not only do we get to see what’s happening above ground, but we get to cruise along with Mimi and Oliver into the depths and core of the earth and Hell’s many levels too. Oh they were some of my favourite chapters as the character growth and tension is amazing. I also loved the different perspectives in each chapter as it gave me a chance to break and take in each individual story.

I had to laugh so many times as Oliver travelled beyond the realms that a normal human is capable. For most of the novel to me he seemed like a masochist and at times I was like – Oh Oliver I want to slap you, wake up to yourself and realise where you are and who you are with. Then I understood the pain that unrequited love can entail and how he truly felt.

Melissa’s writing style as always was truly decadent and rich as she interwove each tapestry to bring me into the world she has created. I am going to be so sad when this series ends, because with every book I fall in love even deeper with it as a whole

While I did loved this book whole heartedly, it wasn’t my favourite of the series, but was definitely up there with the best of them. I cannot believe I have to wait two years until I can get my hands on the last book in the series. I almost cried when I learned this, but at least I will have my fix when Wolf Pact comes out in September of 2012

P.S I forgot to mention that the last 30 pages or so were a little rushed, and that was one thing that bugged me on reflection, but it didn’t burden the book as a whole.

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