Monday, September 5, 2011

Project 10 - A Reading Challenge


So you are probably wondering what my plans are for the remainder of this year considering I am nearing the end of my challenge and my year of reading is winding down as well. [Wow redundant?] I decided at the beginning of this year that I was going to challenge myself to read 50 books, I contemplated 100, but I had to be realistic and I must admit a few months back I was wondering if I would make it to the end of my challenge. I am happy to say that I am three books shy of completing it and I certainly don’t plan to stress myself over any more challenges.

Says she who just signed herself up for the Project Ten challenge- hosted my littlepinkstars44 on youtube. You can find the link to her challenge here :

The aim is to read 10 books before you can purchase one. My idea is to take this challenge and start with five, considering it would take me a long time to read five books and I don’t want to make reading an unenjoyable process. After all I love reading, and I do it for fun amongst other reasons. The main aim is to limit my constant buying sprees and develop a healthier habit of reading the books that I already own. Even exploring my bookshelf to find ones I forgot I even did.

So here are the first five books I have taken from my bookshelves to read- [Subject to change at any moment depending on my mood]

· Perfect Chemistry – Simone Elkeles – Really wanted to read this one.

· You Can Be Happy No Matter What – Richard Carlson – Quick Non-Fiction

· Love Is The Higher Law – David Leviathan – LGBT Spotlight for September [Planned]

· Shiver- Maggie Stiefvater – Won this book

· Love Aubrey – Suzanne LaFleur – Excited to read it

Like I said subject to change depending on my mood of reading, but I do want to challenge myself to start picking up the books I used to be excited for when they first came out while the others are ones that are new and old to my shelf.

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