Pages: 444
Published: November 13th 2008
Date Finished: 12th September 2011
Rating: 4 Stars ****
Synopsis: Good Reads
Rose Hathaway knows it is forbidden to love another guardian. Her best friend, Lissa-the last Dragomir princess-must always come first. Unfortunately, when it comes to gorgeous Dimitri Belikov, some rules are meant to be broken...
But since making her first Strigoi kills, Rose hasn't been feeling right. Something dark has begun to grow in her mind, and ghostly shadows warn of a terrible evil drawing nearer to the Academy's iron gates. And now that Lissa and Rose's sworn enemy, Victor Dashkov, is on trial for his freedom, tensions in the Moroi world are higher than ever.
Lying to Lissa about Dimitri is one thing but suddenly there's way more than friendship at stake. The immortal undead are on the prowl, and they want vengeance for the lives that Rose has stolen. In a heart-stopping battle to rival her worst nightmare, Rose will have to choose between life, love, and the two people who matter most..but will her choice mean that only one can survive?
Another hard book to review without spoiling anything, so here goes…
God damn does this lady know how to write. Am I right or am I right? I want to say firstly that this series has never disappointed me in the past and even within a year-long gap between novels I picked this one up, dove into the deep end and was possessed from cover to cover. Kudos Richelle, you are one heck of a writer.
This novel kicked freaking ass. There was nothing that really bothered me about it at all so you won’t hear any negativity from me. Most of the time the connection I had as a reader with the characters was one I could compare to that of close family and friends to the point that I was so absorbed I forgot they were vampires. By the halfway point I was hooked and stayed up long past when I should have been resting to read it.
More of a feeling review rather than a what happened review I would certainly recommend anyone who hasn’t picked up the book to do so and check it out. Get a feel for it yourself. I fell in love with everything about the series so much more than I ever did after I finished the last few pages and it left me satisfied in the sense that I finally had read something uniquely worth reading.
As the ending got closer [which might I add was utterly gut wrenching and heartbreaking] I felt myself burying deeper under the covers as I began to cry for Rose and all she had gone through to get to this desperate part of her life. Without spoiling anything, I have to say this is one of the best endings of a novel I have read in a long time, and the words are still resounding in my head.
I am certainly glad that I have the series waiting for me on my bookshelf so there is no waiting around for the next book, and I cannot imagine what it must have been like for avid fans to have to wait after a cliff-hanger so I am planning on reading the next book in the series – Blood Promise [?] early in new year.
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