Pages: 128
Published: 2006
Date Finished: 3rd March 2011
Rating: Yes
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Recommendation: Local Library
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Inspired by ancient Indian teaching, Chakra Therapy is a vivid exploration of the seven Chakra points in the body and how you can use each energy center to inspire and cleanse your body of negative energy, so that your life can become clearer and more spiritually enlightened.
Not a religious book, Chakra Therapy touches on the higher being and the universe while sharing the Indian language Sanskrit. Each chapter approaches a different topic, from and introduction and basics [chapter one] Inspirations and information [chapter two] Visualizations and yoga exercises [chapter three] and meditation and crystals [chapter four]
I found a lot of beneficial and encouraging inspiration from this book. It was easy to digest and with the many stimulating images and quotes I was more motivated to note it all down and begin practicing this therapy.
If you are feeling depressed, blocked, uninspired, sore, ill or unhappy this book is for you. I would recommend it to anyone as a companion to any ritual – meditation, prayer and exercise as well to release the mind, body and soul of negativity through visualization and practice.
‘Prana, meaning life force or vital energy enters the body at different frequents via a series of special energy centers, each one called a Chakra; this word means “wheel.”
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