Wednesday, February 2, 2011

January New Books & New Goals


Monthly Review

January has passed and it’s February already? No way I say, but yes Blair. It is indeedy February. While I am organizing my shelving and spending way more money than I should on all the lust worthy books both new and old I thought to make a post about the books I read and brought in January and the next eight books I plan on reading. [Providing I can finish two a week]

I had a lot of new year goals and one of them was to try read a book a day, while this was certainly a challenge, when I realised how many people wanted to see me [they never do] and how finding a course or a job would affect my attention span it seemed as I was heading for a nervous break -down I leaned more towards lazy days spent on the couch watching dvds [one goal taken shamelessly to epic proportions] and my reading became slower.

However I am happy to share with you the list of nine books I did read, because nine is better than none and nine is also better than one and two and well you get the picture.

Books I Read In January:

9. See Jane Write- A Girls Guide to Writing Chick Lit – 5 Stars

8. Devils Tavern 1 – Invitation – 3.5 Stars

7. Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side – 4.5 Stars

6. Creative Journal Writing- The art & Heart of Reflection – 4 Stars

5. This Book Isn’t Fat, It's Fabulous – 3.5 Stars

4. Once Dead, Twice Shy – 1 Star

3. Artichoke's Heart – 5 Stars

2. Crescendo – 4.5 Stars

1. It's Not Over Till You're Over It- 3 Stars

Books I brought in January: [ Be Prepared – It’s a Long One]

1. About a boy – Nick Hornby

2. For the Love of Julie- Ann Wing

3. Personality Plus-

4. More Ice cream Less Beans-

5. Bittersweet- Melanie La Brody

6. Noah’s Law – Randa Abdel Fattah

7. The Carrie Diaries- Candace Bushnell

8. Cleo- Helen Brown

9. High Potential- Ber Carroll

10. Matched – Ally Condie

11. Babyville- Jane Green

12. Shopaholic & Sister – Sophie Kinsella

13. The Undomestic goddess – Sophie Kinsella

14. Loving against the odds- Rob Parsons

15. Ice Shock- M.C.Harris

16. Vampire Kisses – The Beginning- Ellen Schreider

17. Private Dancer- Suzanne Forster

18. Entice – Carrie Jones

19. Guilty pleasures – Laurel K Hamilton

20. Sins of The Heart- Eve Silver

21. Slave to Sensation- Nalina Sinch

22. Touch the Dark- Karen Chance

23. Curse of the Spellmens- Liza Lutz

24. Soul Stories- Gary Zukan

25. Open House- Elizabeth Berg

26. Sex at 6pm- Annarose Belman

27. Lost Property- James Moloney

28. The Vampire and The Virgin- Kerrlyn Sparks

29. Bloody Valentine- Melissa De La Cruz

30. The Millenium Girl- C.F

31. Make This Your Lucky Day- Ellen Whithurst

32. Postcards from The Bed- Marian Keyes

33. Further Under The Duvet – Marian Keyes

34. The Reading Group- Elizabeth Noble

35. See Jane Write- The Girls Guide to Writing Chick-lit – Sarah M and Farrin Jacobs

36. The Baby Trail Sinead Moriarty

37. Blind Submission: A Novel- Debra Ginsberg

38. Chocolate- Joanne Harris

39. Succubus Blues [1]- Richelle Mead

40. Succubus on Top [2] Richelle Mead

41. Succubus Dreams [3] Richelle Mead

I can only hope on the reading front that there will be more books read, reviewed and shared in February and a little less book buying on my part. But I won’t make any promises I can’t keep.


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