Pages: 185 Pages
Rating: C
Published: 1998
Date Finished: Ist January 2011
I understood the main character's emotions in the novel. While it was a young adult book, like explore, adults and teenagers still can be hurt in the same way and struggle with depression when serious relationships crumble.
I thought the main character [Emma Donnelly] was annoying. She didn't progress as far as I would have liked and she was to self absorbed for me to feel compassionate for and about her.
I loved the character Wolf as he reminded me of the friend I'd always wished I had during my yound adult years and even now.
I did enjoy the message Jenny was trying to portray, but wish I could say this book left me feeling content. It didn't inspire me, nor did it provoke me. Though for the most part I did enjoy reading it.
Jenny's writing style reminded me a lot of Heather O'Neil's [Lullabies for Little Criminals] and while innocent. It lacked intensity and was frustrating.
I would recommend this book for younger readers as it is more suited to older primary school children, early high school.
Great review! You really touched on a lot of the book aspects, and I liked that you recommended it to younger readers.