Loveswept - # 506
Pages : 179
Date Finished: 12 December
Rating: A
Synopsis: Some Enchanted Evening...
Colt McKinnon spotted her from across the crowded nightclub, and knew he must meet the mystery woman, the temptress who met his commanding gaze--and returned it! Hannah Alexander figured the man was probably flirting with every woman in the place, but moments later he stood next to her, claiming her with a look that made her feel excited and safe all at once. Dancing with the powerful stranger was like coming home, like feeling her body cleave to his with electric satisfaction. But when the music stopped, she escaped his sensual net--before he could discover her secret and gaze on her pain. How could she know he would track her down, determined to possess the woman who'd convinced him of love at first sight? Colt yearned to know the lady whose angel eyes and siren body made him want to slay dragons, but Hannah needed a lover who could face and fight his fear. Could she teach the man who'd made her believe she was beautiful how wonderful it felt to fly?
To kick start my pre- romance challenge I decided to take one of the Loveswept novels of my shelf and devour it with my wicked guilty pleasure for old style romance. Admittedly, I smiled in delight at reading a so called 'trashy' novel, but To Give a Heart Wings was anything but trashy and a reminder to never judge the date a book is published or the somewhat laughable cheesy cover of the book.
What I loved first and foremost about this novel was that the author, Mary Kay McComas tackled provoking issues in her novel with respect and intrigue. Each character had something at stake, both in their past and in the present and I found myself warming to each one, wanting to peal back the layers of their addictive personalities. Mary came at each issue with strength and I could see, especially with the two main characters and love interest that she has a lot of respect for her characters, which lent me a lot of respect for them too.
The theme of the story isn't a hard one to cover, but the author wrote it in a way that didn't at all read clich'e to me and I found myself in the early hours of the morning unable to stop turning the pages. I had to read more. I wanted to feel more and be inspired by the story Mary was sharing. The way the title is incorporated into the story played a beautiful part and I took something from it that I think will keep me positive and motivated and will be a notion I can follow myself with my dreams and passions both in romance and life in general.
There isn't much about this novel that I disliked. In some parts I found it to be slow, due to my own slowness, and in others I found myself seeing things that were coming, but never often and I thoroughly enjoyed the twists of humour and suspense.
I'm not a huge fan of cars, sports or the life that a business man leads, but I feel that it was well researched and information was given out in small doses, making me warm to learning more about the male characters world and not feeling stupid for not understanding anything about it. I loved that I was drawn into it, rather than standing on the side lines, pottering along and trying to convince myself I understood. It made reading this book more enticing and I recommend it to women who both like and dislike sport.
This is definitely one to track down online, or if you can find in a second hand bookshop. While this book was written when I was two, I pushed that aside and am ecstatic that I have let myself rekindle my old passion for paperback romances. I have no trouble recommending this to anyone and would love to discuss it with anyone who has already read it.
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