Pages: 307
Published:October 4th 2011 by HarperCollinsGenre: Middle Grade/ FantasyFormat: PaperbackAcquired: My own TBR shelfDate Finished: 9th October 2013
Liesl lives in a tiny attic bedroom, locked away by her cruel stepmother. Her only friends are the shadows and the mice,until one night a ghost appears from the darkness. It is Po, who comes from the Other Side. Both Liesl and Po are lonely, but together they are less alone.That same night, an alchemist's apprentice, Will, bungles an important delivery. He accidentally switches a box containing the most powerful magic in the world with one containing something decidedly less remarkable.Will's mistake has tremendous consequences for Liesl and Po, and it draws the three of them together on an extraordinary journey.
Quick thoughts: Ineffably the best children's tale I have read in a while.
What an engaging and enchanting story with so much heart, magic, adventure and darkness that blended together with Lauren Oliver's exceptional and refreshing writing style made for an emotional, provoking and highly enjoyable read. I really relished the experience of reading Liesl and Po and it came at just the right time for me.
From the Illustrations, to the subtle power scattered throughout the entire novel. This is a fantastic story for children and adults alike that talks about death, life, friendship, honesty and freedom in such a superb and creative way. After reading Lauren Oliver's after word I felt even more of a connection and admiration for the author and yes- this book does mean something to me. It brought me back to my childhood. Back to a time when I used to devour children's literature day and night. Escaping and coming back into the world I lived in and the world authors created, to understand life and death and everything in between.
Liesl and Will are the child in all of us. The ones who have been let down and, bullied, belittled and made to feel like were nothing and that the world means nothing. In these characters, I found a story of beauty. Of rising up from the ashes of despair and imprisonment of mind and body and taking a stand against life and all those who want to crush you with it. It sends such a powerful message that you are never alone and if you believe in something or want something so strongly that there is nothing in this world that can stop you. In then end [which I loved] we see that come to fruition and it is the journey throughout the novel that truly is worth the read.
I had to laugh at some parts of the novel though where I envisioned a certain character in the role of Mrs Trunchable and yes – admittedly there are parts of Liesl and Po that have been done before, but I believe in execution of plot and I think she used the tried and true and bloomed some knitted it together to make something splendid.
Perfect for this time of year [October] or for those who love a good Ghost tale and love magic. I would honestly recommend reading Liesl and Po. It is one of the best Children's tales I have read in a long time and it is one of those keepers I would love to have for when I have children or my siblings do.
P.S – It certainly makes me want to read Delirium even more now.
I am giving this:♥♥♥♥ ½
Chests of Magic
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