This week on Catching up Saturday I will be aiming to finish two books I am reading at the moment. I will also be catching up with a short story I am reading for Net-Galley which will be up for review this coming Monday. Check out the links below for more information on these books.

This week on Start Something Sunday I am tossing up between what to read. I do know I want to start reading one of the books chosen at the end of last year for my February TBR pile, which are all first books in a series. My main dilemma is whether I want to read something short or long and since I have read some short books I would not mind starting something a bit thicker. So my options are to choose between.
I would also like to start reading one of my library books. Maybe Normal Gets You Nowhere or Dear Bully

This Week in TBR Intervention a weekly meme hosted by Books For Juliet I have chosen Pretties by Scott Westerfeld.
It’s been a long time since I have read the first book and not to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it I won’t post the premise till I do a review on it, but it is my aim to finish the series this year; If it is the only series that I manage too. So keep an eye out for more reviews.
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