Pages: 384
Published: March 30th 2004 by Avon (first published 2004)
Genre: Chick-lit/Fiction
Date Finished: 19th November 2011
Rating/Recommendation: 4 Stars ****
Love Is for Losers
Or so Laurel Kane believes. After wasting too many years looking for "the One," the attractive, level-headed journalist for the Washington tabloid DC Scene is convinced that mad, passionate, crazy love is an impossibility past thirty. A practical, sensible system's the only way to choose a spouse. And she's willing to argue her theory with anyone — including the criminally gorgeous coffee guy, Joe, who supplies her with her daily caffeine fix.
It turns out Joe has strong opinions of his own on the subject, and Laurel figures her readers might enjoy sharing their fiery exchanges of ideas. But once the coffee cart debates become the hottest thing in print, Laurel finds herself in hot water — because sexy Joe is suddenly determined to prove to her that head-spinning, knees-weakening love is possible. And in this particular battle of the sexes, the loser might actually win ...if she ends up losing her heart!
I picked this book up at the library, not really expecting an intense read and I must say despite not being an intense read at all, it certainly left me with a lot to think about. I did enjoy this novel though and it was exactly what I needed, something with drawn out romance, feisty characters and delicious sounding coffee.
Hot Stuff caused me to think a lot and question my own relationship and how I view relationships in general nearly every few pages. It really got stuck in my head. From marriage to lust, dating to chemistry each chapter left me with something new to think about while my thoughts on the characters changed constantly depending on their reactions. In the end I wasn’t sure where to stand and while it wasn’t the most phenomenal of plots it sure guided me towards connecting with what’s important and being true to myself. And I don’t know about you, but I love a book that can do that.
My only main pinch with this novel was the female main character Laurel. For the most part, while I didn’t agree on her choice of how to go about not ending up alone, I found her to be childish at times and most often when she was being portrayed at being mature and level headed. I saw a lot of some of my older friends in her as well, and even a touch of my own personality and while I know the author made her to be realistic, at times she was a little bit over the top.
Overall ladies and gentlefolk Hot Stuff was a fun read and one that I am sure most people could dig into in a weekend. It is easy to read, and the tension is paced wonderfully making the need to continue reading all that more tempting.
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