Here were the challenges I chose to participate in during 2011, you can find the links to them on the right hand down bar on my blog.
Off the shelf – 20
Y.A- 20
Horror/Urban Fantasy – 24
Buy one book, Read It – 12
This shows my progress so far upon completing 50 book challenge: [Challenges and other]
· 18 – Buy and read it
· 26 -Young Adult novel
· 6 -Chick-lit and 1 adult [erotic] novel
· 17 -non-fiction
· 12 -Urban Fantasy
· 12 -Library
· 9 – Off the shelf [Books purchased pre 2011]
I have just started a mini self-motivated challenge to read a further 20 books this year. I call it the extra [laughs] book challenge. Whether I make it or not, I am not going to stress because this is a little fun. Already I have read two books – Fateful and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
So judging by my challenge list I have completed two. I doubt I will need to read 12 books from my shelf to complete the ‘off the shelf challenge’ to complete it and a further 12 books to complete the horror/urban fantasy challenge. At first I thought this would hurt my brain trying to figure out which books I have brought this year and which ones I did last year and what I could combine instead of reading 24 books in total. Then I realised I could read some of my Christine Feehan, J.R.Ward, Laurell k Hamilton and various other books in the Urban fantasy genre to catch up. It sounds like a brilliant idea, whether I can pull it off or not is another question.
Not to mention as you can see I am slim on my chick-lit challenge for 2011, so I need to read 6 more chick-lit books. I have really only added adult books but apparently you can add young adult chick-lit as well to the challenge, so we’ll see. I know I have read some, but I would love to tackle some of my shelf and maybe even if I can remember which ones I got last year I could add those to the ‘off the shelf challenge’
So many books, less than three months to read them. I am also meant to be on health leave and was told to rest and not over stress myself because it would make my health worse so I decided that my plan is this.
3 Chick-lit books
6 – Horror/Urban Fantasy
6- Off the shelf
Anymore and I’m the boss, any less than I am trolling it [laughs]. The aim is no stress and relaxation and remembering to pat myself on the back because I have read 12 more books than I did last year and that is an effort in itself.
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