Pages: 256
Published: 2011 Hay House - http://www.hayhouse.com.au
Date Finished: 10th June 2011
Recommend it: Yes, for certain. Loved it.
Doreen Virtue has taught her Angel Therapy Practitioner course since 1997, helping thousands to learn the skills of spiritual healing and psychic readings in concert with the angels and archangels. Now, she has amassed the tools, secrets, and exercises that she teaches her students in a comprehensive handbook. Whether you’re a professional healer, or just want to polish your natural spiritual gifts, this handbook is a vital reference tool that you can refer to again and again. – Good Reads Synopsis - http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7944358-the-angel-therapy-handbook
I love this woman and her down to earth, right to the point guidance when it comes to Angels. Teaching from her experiences, Doreen shares her knowledge and divine faith in this handbook aimed at teaching those who want to work with spirits and Angels the right way to protect yourself and promote yourself. Seeing it from all angles, each chapter goes into detail from the guiding reason she started her journey with the Angels to owning and running your own business and following a passionate career as a light worker. Bringing healing and love to those who wish to seek it.
Not only is this book beautiful and so easy to follow, but I loved the step-by-step approach to conducting my own readings for myself and others and the guided sessions to contact loved ones and Angels.
You don’t have to have a specific religion to enjoy Doreen’s books and while she mentions God throughout the book, she clearly reiterates that this book is for everyone, whatever religion or faith and that while the both are linked, you can come from strong backgrounds or no religious background and still apply the same principles to your daily lives.
I always learn something from Doreen’s books and this was no exception, if by far this would be my favourite of the books I have read so far. Time and time again her learning has inspired me into taking a more spiritual road and while I myself know I have a lot more to learn. I know within myself that I can do anything I want, if I can dream it and this book is a brilliant reminder of that.
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You can find my forthcoming Small Business here - Feel Free to contact me if you are interested. Inspired by Doreen's The Angel Therapy Handbook.
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