Pages: 313
Published: 2008
Date finished: 10th April 2011
Rating: 3.5 Stars
To 17-year-old Leslie, the tattoo is a thing of indescribable beauty, a captivating mark that she must make her own. But this subtle web of eyes and wings brings with it a transformation that no sweet young girl would ever imagine or welcome. Like its predecessor, this stand-alone sequel to Wicked Lovely plunges its youthful heroine into a faery world of almost constant peril. A tantalizing urban fantasy that won't let go – Good Reads Synopsis.
I was excited at first to really get stuck into Ink Exchange. After reading Wicked Lovely I had to get the next book even though I already had it coming in the mail. I just couldn’t wait, I dug straight in, however Ink Exchange fell short of my expectations.
I really had to feel for Niall, it angered me what he had been through, but at the same time it frustrated me that he could be selfish enough to risk his place in the summer court and Leslie's life but that’s what made the novel enticing, I had to know what compelled him to do so. In the same token, Irial really infuriated me and captivated me at the same time. I didn’t really feel passionate about any characters as strongly as I did in Wicked Lovely, but I still felt empathy for them.
Ink Exchange didn’t flow as well as Wicked Lovely did, I found myself having to re-read parts of the novel to understand where it was going and some scenes felt out of place. For the most part I understood where the story was going but there were loose ends that frustrated and confused me. However knowing there are more novels in the series sates the frustration somewhat.
My favorite part in the novel has to be chapter 31, it grabbed my attention in a way that the novel up until then hadn’t, and it got more intense from then, but I still wish it has of had that intensity during the entire novel. I certainly have a love/dislike relationship with Ink Exchange.
Overall, being a companion novel [?] to the series, I think I preferred Wicked Lovely. This book felt to me more like a transition novel and I think that is what felt of to me. I try not to compare books, as I respect each book to its own and while Ink Exchange stands well on its own it was hard to review, but I will be continuing with the series and I would recommend both books.
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