Pages: 224
Published: 2010, Da Capo Press
Date Finished: 6th June 2011
Recommend/ Rating: Yes – 4 stars
Born a spastic quadriplegic, Rick Hoyt was written off by doctors. They advised his parents to put him in an institution. His parents refused. Fighting to give their son every opportunity that normal” kids get, Rick’s mother helped to pass a landmark bill that enabled Rick and other physically handicapped kids to attend public school. With the help of a brilliant device the Hope Machine Rick was able to use a headswitch to communicate with others.
But one day their lives changed forever as Rick asked his dad to enter a charity race and push his wheelchair to the finish line. More than one thousand races later, at sixty-nine years old, Dick Hoyt continues to push his son’s wheelchair.
From the Boston Marathon, which holds a special place in the Hoyts’ hearts to Ironman triathlons, Dick and Rick continue to celebrate a truly special bond between father and son and live their lives by the motto, Yes, you can.”- Synopsis
The first time I heard about Team Hoyt was the first day of my business class. I recalled watching it and going home elevated and excited. So when I found Devoted in my local library the last day of my course I knew it was important for me to read it and remember how much progress I had made myself as well as remembering the Hoyt’s motto ‘I CAN’
Sports memoirs or stories are not something I would usually go out of my way to pick up, but I have to say even this one got me questioning myself. Behind the sports there is so much to take from this book I don’t even know where to begin. I found myself laughing, smiling and even tearing up and sometimes [don’t judge me] talking to myself about my dreams as aspirations and how blessed I am to be able bodied and minded. I think we often take it for granted and Devoted reminded me of how grateful I am to be alive and healthy.
What I loved about Dick and his story is that they don’t play victim and they fight for what they believed in and still do. Hearing about what life was like back then in the 70’s and 80’s outraged me and I am so glad that even with the little progress we have made to our attitudes towards the disabled, that there are more rights and equal acceptance in this age.
Thought the book there was a lot of repetition and while great to reiterate motivation and inspiration it grew frustrating and stilted the story. However as a whole, I found the writing to be inspirational, and it flowed well making it a well enjoyable read.
Please pick this book up or check out Team Hoyt online on Youtube. It only takes a few minutes and trust me even if it reminds you to follow your dreams, or reminds you to count your blessings I guarantee it is worth it. Devoted is a great book and I really enjoyed the read.
~CAN ~
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