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Curse of the Phoenix Series
With the release of the third book in the Curse of the Phoenix series it brings be great pleasure to introduce you to Rachel as we chat about the series, her recommended reading and her plans for the future.
B - What inspires you about Egyptian Mythology?
R- I'm not really inspired by Egyptian Mythology as much as the sad tale of Osiris and Isis. It's a beautiful story of love, devotion, sacrifice and betrayal. I challenge everyone to look it up.
B- Where did your characters come from? Do you believe in spiritual muses? Higher powered beings that inspire writers and feed their stories through them?
R- I don't write with a muse. I'm pretty sure that I'm just mostly insane with voices in my head. :) No, not really. I think I started choreographing stories at about the age of 4 when my lil' bro became old enough to play without my mom present. I took to directing a "pretend" story like Andrew Lloyd Weber with his Cats or Phantom of the Opera. I'm seriously an orchestrator of the imagination.
B- What advice would you have for writers beginning their journey? Do you keep a writers notebook? Index cards?
R- My advice...hmmm....even when you're struggling and you've received that umpteenth rejection, keep writing. Sometimes my best work comes from my despair. You never know. I keep a writers notebook filled with character cards, descriptions, and sometimes even scenes that I couldn't get right on the computer. :) It's a true mess.
B- How much research went into writing the Curse of the Phoenix series?
R- *ducks head* I actually hate research. So, wiki is my friend and a few other sites. I like to take a mythological story and give a new twist. Especially stories that could have a different ending, like the one I gave Ice and Osiris.
B- Do you have a favorite character and if so why?
R- I thought it was Ice, but after finishing all three books, I think it's Grey. He needs to be a favorite, therefore he is.
B- Where did the idea for the series come from? What made you decide ‘Yes’ this is what I want to write?
R- I was sitting in an airport and the idea for the opening scene in The Last Rising came to mind. After that, I decided that I wanted it to be a paranormal. Went home and flipped a few tarot cards and the phoenix popped up. That led to some research and Osiris's story. :)
B- What are some of your favorite books?
R- Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia, The Fifty Shades of Grey series by E L James, All of the L K Hamilton books...hmmm... I read two to three novels a week, so I could go on and on.
B- What are some of the weirdest things that have happened to you while writing the series?
R- On The Last Awakening, I channeled a mobster for Grey about midway through and all of these death threats and gangsta language started pouring out onto the page. That took a lot of rewriting. :)
B- What are your writing plans for the future?
R- I'm currently working on a novella for an anthology with authors Elle Rossi and Berinn Rae. It will be out, hopefully this summer. I'm also working on a large contemporary series and two YA Paranormals, sprinkled in with a few more para romance novellas. :)
B- What other authors would you recommend reading?
R- Any of the above, and Ciara Knight, Inara Scott, Rosalie Lario, Lynn Rush, Jus Accardo, Nicola Marsh, Delilah Devlin, oh, and there's one coming out soon from Tiffany Truitt that everyone should read, even if you're not a huge YA fan. It is so good--Chosen Ones. It's up on Goodreads so add it. :) I could keep going but this interview would keep growing, lol.
Thank you so much for letting me do this.
Hugs Blair xx
Make sure you keep your eye out for my review of The Last Beginning - Coming Soon
Rachel is so very talented! I can't wait to read this series. Thanks so much for having this adorable interview on your blog, Blair.
ReplyDeleteAh, Debra, you are so awesome. Thank you! :)