Sunday, February 1, 2015

February Picks 2015


Hello Lovely Readers, it is that time again where I let you know what books I have picked out for the month of FEBRUARY.  Be sure to check out the theme of the month which is: Ancient Adventures and join by recommending more reads to me. Alongside that, join in with me reading the Bookish...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Book Review Y.A : Slide - Jill Hathaway


Click the link to learn more about SLIDE I picked this up on a whim wanting something with an element of Supernatural in a contemporary setting. Slide delivered in the relaxed enjoyment of the story, and the premise had me excited. I love out of body concepts. It was a hard book for...

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Two Non-Fiction Reviews - January Week 1&2


ART OF PAPER Selected by Marc Gimenez My Thoughts: I received this book as a Christmas present from my partner’s family who all know that I am quiet obsessed with paper; from scrapbooking to writing, books to filofaxes. I was excited to see the talent, creativity and exploration of paper...

Monday, January 12, 2015

BOOKISH CONFESSIONS # 1 - February Goals


February Goals – Reading It is almost midway through January and I have been thinking a lot about the goals that I made for myself only two weeks ago regarding my reading and my plans for the New Year. Now that 2015 is well into spring I feel content to say that I am enjoying the ‘guidelines’ that...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bout of Books 12 Challenge | Top 10 Recommendations


Top -10 Book Recommendations Today's challenge is hosted over at You can find the link to Sarah’s post here Top Ten Recommendations This list is in no order of preference, as these are all favourites in my opinion, it was hard to slim it down to...

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bout of Books Challenge – Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt


Welcome Back Readers to Mondays Challenge: Number Two for Bout of Books 12.  I am here with the Book Scavenger hunt hosted by I could not find a book with the same initials as me in on my shelf...I completed the rest though. 2. Find a...